Lloyd House (West Midlands Police HQ), Birmingham
Tube & Fittings + Alu Beams + Netting + Sheeting
ACCESS: To provide drawings and calculations for a netted and sheeted access scaffold with protection 1.0kN/m² fans to the entire façade of the building, while leaving entrances clear. Access over car park, with back propping. Nom. 2.0m bays and 2.0m lifts. Loaded to 2.0kN/m² using tube and fittings with aluminium beams.
LOADING GANTRY: To provide drawings and calculations for an 18.0m long, 5.0m wide loading gantry bridged over the rear car park. Loaded to 5.0kN/m²
MAST CLIMBER RUN OFF / SUPPORT: To provide drawings and calculations for a 2.0kN/m² mast climber run off. Scaffold also to support the mast climber legs of between 9.0kN and 36.0kN.